
#Saudi Arabia

Friday 18/September/2020 09:31 AM
<{"id":89,"namespace":"App\\Models\\Post","slug":"saudi-arabia","name":"Saudi Arabia","count":2} class="post-title"> Oman Air to operate special flight to Saudi Arabia
Muscat: A special flight to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), will be operated by Oman Air on 21st September, the airline announced.The airline said in a...
Thursday 02/February/2023 11:06 AM
<{"id":89,"namespace":"App\\Models\\Post","slug":"saudi-arabia","name":"Saudi Arabia","count":2} class="post-title"> Omani-Saudi trade exchange sees a massive 219% increase
Riyadh: The volume of trade exchange between Oman and Saudi Arabia has seen a massive 219 percent increase between the two countries until September 2022...